Tesseract OCR Software GUI

Welcome to the official home page for the (a9t9) Free OCR for Windows Desktop tool. As the name suggests, it extracts text from image files and PDF items. It uses the open-source Tesseract OCR engine from HP/Google for OCR processing.

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Chinese Pinyin Subtitles Translator

Welcome to the official home page for the (a9t9) Chinese Subtitles Translator.

Chinese Subtitle Translator (or simply CST) recognizes the Chinese characters of the subtitle directly in the video and translates them to Pinyin and English. All this works visually, directly on any video portal like Youtube.

  • Download the Chinese Subtitle Translator (The link goes to the Microsoft App store. The app runs on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.)
  • NEW: Try the new cross-platform solution: Copyfish (Chrome extensions, = it runs directly on your Chrome browser)

Learning Chinese has one great advantage: Most Chinese movies and TV shows are subtitled in Chinese by default. But as we Chinese learners are all painfully aware of, there is no easy link between a character and its pronunciation and tone. For that we have Pinyin, the phonetic language for Chinese.  But finding movies with Pinyin subtitles is almost impossible outside special clips for Chinese learners. And there was never an easy way to look up a new vocabulary word while watching a video… … that is until now.

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Germany clarifies ethics for self-driving cars: Treat kids and adults as equals

Transport Minister Dobrindt in a Google Self-Driving Car

After opening a self-driving car highway test track last year, German federal transport minister Dobrindt announced today that he created a so called ethics commission to advise on a legal framework for self driving cars.  The Commission is to be headed by former Federal Constitutional Court judge Udo di Fabio and will start work later this month, according to the German weekly “Wirtschaftswoche”.

The goal is a legal framework how cars which are controlled by computer must behave in dangerous situations. Programmers can then use this framework as orientation.

According to the interview, a few key decisions are already made:

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Microsoft updates free OCR library, adds four more languages

In February Microsoft announced that the Windows 10 November update enables OCR support for four new languages, bringing the total number of supported languages to 25.

While they did not list what languages they added, they mentioned that this OCR technology is the same that is “used in major products like Word, OneNote, OneDrive, Bing, Office Lens, andTranslator for various scenarios, including image indexing, document reconstruction, and augmented reality.”

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