The OpenCV Face -and more - Tracker

The OpenCV-Face-andmore-Tracker is an OpenCV based face detection (and eye detection, nose detection, mouth detection) example application. It started as an OpenCV test project to see how capable OpenCV is out of the box, and  to review how suitable Elance, ODesk and are for getting help with image recognition projects. The source code is available on Github as open-source (MIT License)

This OpenCV tutorial is provided as ready to compile/run Windows Visual Studio project using C#, .NET, and EmguCV. For this project OpenCV V3.0 (beta) and EmguCV V3.0 (alpha) was used.

The face tracking application inside Visual Studio 2013.
OpenCV Face and more Tracker in action. Tracking face, eyes, nose and mouth of Santa Claus.

Or just want to play with OpenCV webcam face tracking? Then: